
我嘅新影相Blog---Wilson's Shot
成日都講車,講吓第二樣!其實我都幫我部車影咗好多相,成部車影又有,DIY拆到散晒又有,所以DC對我嚟講都係重要,一向我都係用部Panasonic FX7 & FujiFilm S602Z,呢兩部機都幾好用,尤其S602Z 嘅1cm Super marco 對焦,响汽車DIY上大派用場!不過用咗佢地2年,都係時候換機,於是响早2個星期搵到好心人收養咗佢地,反正我都有部K800i電話做SnapShot機,於是把心一橫買部單鏡機玩吓,Canon同Nikon似乎係大熱倒灶,但我就揀咗另一隻冷門嘢---Pentax K100D!點解?响呢度唔多講,我開咗一個新Blog---Wilson's Shot(單鏡新丁), 希望大家多D去捧吓場,指教吓小弟嘅攝影技術,因為單鏡機嚟講我都係一竅不通,條link响sidebar都有架,多多指教!Thank you !!

1 則留言:

匿名 說...

hi wilson!
i read your blog very often, very amaze your knowleage on AE110, i have some question and want your opinion!!
1. how much to change colour(from dark green to black or drak grey)just outside, no need for engine room. plaint can last for 3-4 years
2. any sugestion for the garage?(cheap and good and you will trust on them)
3.black or drak grey? i never see black ae110 on the road, so i can't imagine it!
4. how much for the fairing (2nd hand similar to your)
hope you can help me,
i still wandering i should change other car or rebuilt my ae110 after the licence expire.

thank you very much!!

henry hau
