
終於比我揾到一套極之舊款嘅Yokohama Advan TC 一代,尺吋為16"X 7JJ offset 35mm ,根據官方資料其淨重為7.56kg,大家可能會覺得呢隻款唔靚,其實佢中間係有隻「碟」遮住D縲絲 & 一粒「大絲母」收住隻碟,不過我覺得裝咗仲核凸!!!咁點解我會揀呢隻軨?主要原因係佢16"只係7.56kg已經好輕!其次係7JJ offset 35mm係完全fit晒AE110嘅setting,好多台仔軨都係42-45mm唔太適合;加上佢made in japan質素上有信心保証;而最後呢隻「橙金」色嘅車身色,始終金色軨會襯DD,其次我就鐘意電鍍款,之前白色RP01太Sharp,搶晒眼!

5 則留言:

匿名 說...

想問下你...........如果我行15"軨用44 offset好定係37 offset好呢 ??



Wilson 說...

no matter what size of wheel, 14"15"16" or 17", the offset is relate to the rim width. Refer to the data, 7JJ rim should be use 35mm to have the best look and performance, if 44mm offset, it is suit for Honda Civic... not corolla, so 35-38mm offset with 7JJ is best for AE series Corolla

匿名 說...


我試過裝15X7.0JJ 44 OFFSET的軨好似縮左入去.........但係37 OFFSET就未用過.....請問會唔會出過頭呢?

匿名 說...

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